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Flexible Parties & NOTE.radio BOAT Party

today 19 listopada, 2022my_locationFlexible Parties & NOTE.radio BOAT Party

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Flexible Parties & NOTE.radio invite you to have fun together on the boat again!!!
Just like previously, DM fans will have their “feast” on the upper deck, where our favorite DJs will stand behind the decks: aDHd and Marian from 3City, the organizers of many well-known Depeche Mode events and fans conventions in Poland and Daria aka Depedot, beloved by everyone from her debut performance on the lower deck previously!
This time we will provide 100% of Depeche Mode for devotees 🖤🖤🖤🖤 and those who are more FLEXIBLE will be able to dance on the lower deck to the biggest hits presented by DJs from Note.radio: Tomansky, Matthias, Pyteck and Darek🎶🎵🔉🎵
We promise less organizational-entertainment experiments and more great music 🎶🎵🔊🎶🔈🎶🎵🔉🎵
*Online tickets available at:
*Collectors paper tickets: Gosia 07394850478
And this is how we enjoyed the #FlexibleDEPECHEMODEBoatParty in June:
As you can see, this was not an ordinary event, it’s more than a party, it was pure happiness and emotions 😁😆☺️😊😌🤣😂, these were wonderful moments that connect people.
So, dear friends, book the date November 19 for another dose of good music and unique emotions among wonderful people.
Good news for those who regret they have not bought one of the beautiful paintings by Edyta Lopatecki. There will be more of them! Orders can also be placed now 🙂
Here is the link to Edyta’s gallery⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
You will find there Depeche Mode art paintings, prices are in €€ and ££. Write to Edyta: elopatecki@yahoo.com.
See you all again soon!!!
Flexible Parties & NOTE.radio zapraszaja ponownie na wspolna zabawe na statku!
Tak jak ostatnio fani DM beda mieli swoja “uczte” na gornym pokladzie, gdzie za deckami stana nasi ulubieni DJe z Trojmiasta – aDHd i Marian, organizatorzy wielu znanych imprez depeszowych w Polsce oraz pokochana od swego debiutowego wystepu na dolnym pokladzie Daria aka Depedot!
Tym razem zapewnimy 100% Depeche Mode dla wiernych DM 🤘devotees, a Ci ktorzy sa bardziej FLEXIBLE beda mogli pobawic sie na dolnym pokladzie, przy imprezowych hitach prezentowanych przez DJi NOTE.radio: Tomansky, Matthias, Pyteck oraz Darek
Obiecujemy mniej eksperymentow organizacyjno-rozrywkowych, a wiecej swietnej muzyki 🤩😁
A tak bawilismy sie w czerwcu: ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Jak widać to nie jest zwykla impreza, to czyste szczeście i emocje 🙂, to wspaniałe chwile, które łączą ludzi.
Zatem kochani zaklepujcie date 19 listopad na kolejna dawke dobrej muzyki i niepowtarzalnych emocji w gronie wspaniałych ludzi.

Rozpocznij 19 listopada, 2022 H 17:00
Koniec 19 listopada, 2022 H 23:00
Lokalizacja Flexible Parties & NOTE.radio BOAT Party
Adres Festival Pier, SE1 8XZ
Link https://note.radio/product/flexible-parties-note-radio-boat-party/?swcfpc=1
Telefon 074358727000
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